Every teaching has its own unique goals, messages, conditions, and environments. By documenting and sharing p5 workshops, classes, and materials, we hope to better connect the p5.js learner and educator communities around the world. Share or recommend your own teaching experiences, too!
p5 Teaching Resources
🌺 Diversity & Inclusion :
📍 Venue :
📅 Year :
📊 Level of Difficulty :
- "p5.js à l'Ubuntu Party!", Basile Pesin
- "Making The Thing that Makes the Thing: Exploring Generative Art & Design with p5.js", Priti Pandurangan & Ajith Ranka
- CC Fest (Creative Coding Festival), Saber
- "Taller Introducción a la Programación Creativa con p5.js", Aarón Montoya-Moraga
- "Introduction to Generative Drawing", Adam Herst
- Open Lecture "Creative Coding: 2020", Shunsuke Takawo
- "Creative Coding for Static Graphics", Shunsuke Takawo
- "Generative Typography", Dae In Chung
- "Machine Learning for the Web", Yining Shi
- "Introduction to p5.js and JavaScript", Nico Reski
- "Digital Weaving & Physical Computing Workshop Series", Qianqian Ye & Evelyn Masso
- "Signing Coders", Taeyoon Choi
- p5.js à l'Ubuntu Party!
Basile Pesin
Venue & Date
2020 Ubuntu Party Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France
Any age, including children and parents, young and older adults.
Level of Difficulty
To introduce a new public to programming through fun and compelling examples.
📝 Method & Materials
Method: in-person workshop, 1 hour per session, with different participant each times. The students were using (Ubuntu) machines with the p5.js web editor. I was teaching using a video projector as well as a board.
Materials: The exercises I gave where accessible through p5.js web-editor links available in GitHub.
- Making The Thing that Makes the Thing: Exploring Generative Art & Design with p5.js
Priti Pandurangan & Ajith Ranka
Venue & Date
📍 National Institute of Design, Bangalore
📅 2020 February 8, 2:30-4:00 PM
Our participants included art/design students & professionals, creative coding enthusiasts. We had close to 50 participants.
Level of Difficulty
Priti: Intermediate & Ajith: Advanced
To explore generative art & design and recreate some classical works with p5.js.
📝 Method & Materials
Methods: In-person, collaborative, hands-on workshop.
Materials: course page linking to sketches on the p5 editor, interactive reference guide to p5 basics
- CC Fest (Creative Coding Festival)
"Love p5.js. It has meant so much to me, my students, and this community."
Venue & Date
📍 New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Virtual-Online 🌐
📅 Twice a year in NYC for four years; once a year in LA for three years; once a year in SF for two years; now virtual
Our participants included art/design students & professionals, creative coding enthusiasts. We had close to 50 participants.
Level of Difficulty
To build a teacher and student community around p5 for middle and high school.
📝 Method & Materials
A half-day of workshop led by volunteer teachers. We saw lots of different methods and materials. Most used some sort of slides or documentation, some live coding using an editor, with work time for participant to remix.
🔗 CC Fest Lessons page for teaching materials
- Taller Introducción a la Programación Creativa con p5.js
Aarón Montoya-Moraga
"p5.js is my happy place 💕 "
Venue & Date
📍 PlusCode Media Arts Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina & Virtual-Online 🌐
📅 2018 November 14, 3 hours
I had around 16 students in the workshop, and a team including 3 people from the PlusCode festival, and one person at the venue.
Level of Difficulty
Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
Introduction to beginners and artists of graphic web programming and open source, using p5.js, in Spanish :)
📝 Method & Materials
I used the material on this GitHub repo, we used the p5.js web editor, we had a three hour long workshop
- Introduction to Generative Drawing
Adam Herst
"My greatest source of uncertainty in developing the workshop was whether it was trying to teach art to programmers or to teach programming to artists."
Venue & Date
📍 Inter/Access (artist-run centre), Toronto, Ontario, Canada
In-person with a self-paced workbook for remote work
📅 2020 February 12, 7PM-9PM
15 artists
Level of Difficulty
To introduce p5.js to artists with little or no programming experience and to suggest one way an analogue practice can migrate to a digital form.
📝Method & Materials
A printed workbook with activities that used the p5.js web editor to show how translate an physical drawing into a digital drawing.
🔗Processing Community Day 2019: Generative Drawing at Inter/Access
- Open Lecture, Creative Coding: 2020
Shunsuke Takawo
"I love p5.js because it's so easy to read and write code in p5.js. Coding in your everyday life!"
Venue & Date
📍 Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan & Virtual-Online 🌐
📅 2020 March 16-18, 1-7 PM
Students of Kyoto University of Art and Design, and anyone.
Level of Difficulty
Making code as a tool for artistic expression.
📝 Method & Materials
Dropbox Paper, p5.js web editor.
🔗 Syllabus
- Creative Coding for Static Graphics
Shunsuke Takawo
"Coding in p5.js is a lot of fun. If you haven't started yet, I encourage you to give it a try!"
Venue & Date
📍 FabCafe MTRL, Tokyo, Japan
📅 2019 September 15, 4-7 PM
Anyone who wants to try coding in p5.js.
Level of Difficulty
To code from the graphic design's perspective.
📝 Method & Materials
Dropbox Paper, p5.js web editor.
- Generative Typography
Dae In Chung
Venue & Date
📍 Baltimore, Maryland, USA & Virtual-Online 🌐
📅 2019 January 21 - May 08, every Wednesday, 4-10 PM
14 undergrads and grad students who had little to no experience in coding.
Level of Difficulty
Experiment with typographic forms and structures through computation.
📝 Method & Materials
Methods: online/offline lectures and critiques.
Materials: p5js online editor, Github, youtube tutorials.
- Machine Learning for the Web
Yining Shi
Venue & Date
📍 ITP, NYU, 370 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
📅2019 March 09 - October 12, every Tuesday, 6:30-9:00 PM
Students at Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University. 16 people.
Level of Difficulty
Elementary, Intermediate
The goal of this class is to learn and understand common machine learning techniques and apply them to generate creative outputs in the browser using ml5.js and p5.js.
📝 Method & Materials
This class is a mix of lectures, coding sessions, group discussions, and presentations. I used GitHub to host class syllabus and all the coding materials, Google Slides for lectures and p5.js Web Editor for live coding sessions. Every week, there were one-on-one office hours to talk about any difficulties of coming up with an idea for the homework or any coding changes.
Methods: online/offline lectures and critiques.
- Introduction to p5.js and JavaScript
Nico Reski
Venue & Date
📍 Currently available as self-study at own pace with accompanying slides, linked below.
Level of Difficulty
Beginner, Elementary
Introduce learners (potentially with no coding experiences at all) to the very basics of p5.js (and JavaScript), in order to encourage creative coding and enable them to pursue own projects in a safe environment.
📝 Method & Materials
p5.js source code (for the introductory project), JavaScript source code (illustrating some basic JavaScript functionalities), accompanying slides in .pdf format, all hosted publicly on GitHub.
🔗 Overview of the workshop and its contents (including all links to the material hosted on GitHub) on my academic webpage.
- Digital Weaving & Physical Computing Workshop Series
Qianqian Ye & Evelyn Masso
Venue & Date
📍 Womens Center for Creative Work (WCCW), Los Angeles, CA, US
📅 2019 October 19 - November 02, every Saturday 3-6 PM
15 women and non-binary artists, designer, makers, programers.
Level of Difficulty
Over the course of three workshops, we will draw and create patterns using p5.js, an open-source graphical library; we will learn and apply computational concepts to transform patterns and finally, we will bring a weaving to life with electronic microcontrollers.
📝 Method & Materials
Methods: small team session
Materials: slides, p5.js web editor, pen and paper to draw pattern, physical pattern weaving tool.
🔗 Workshop Slide #1, Workshop Slide #2
🔗 Workshop Information on WCCW website.
- Signing Coders
Taeyoon Choi
"I'm working on a new series of coding class for Disabled students in South Korea. I'm researching about the pedagogy and translation. I plan to hold workshops in December 2020. The project is supported by the Open Society Foundation Human Rights Initiative and Korea Disability Arts & Culture Center."
Venue & Date
📍 WRIC, New York City, USA & Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea.
5 Sessions, each 2~3 hours
Deaf and Hard of Hearing students age 10~50 who live in NYC.
Level of Difficulty
To help Deaf and Hard of Hearing students learn about computer programming through playful exercises. To make ASL tutorial of basic coding concepts.
📝 Method & Materials
We used p5.js Web editor and code examples on the website. We also used dice, playing cards and various paper tools to help students learn about coding concepts.